Who are we?
We are a firm of architects and interior designers based in the heart of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The name Erro is derived from a word meaning "roots." Just as strong roots are essential for a tree's stability, research is a crucial foundation for any design. Our firm is composed of highly connected agents of change, dedicated to creativity, innovation, growth, and our communities. Through innovative research and the integration of smart technology, we deliver highly creative solutions that embody our clients' brands. We are recognized as the best interior designers and architects in Ahmedabad, inspired to collaborate with our clients to simplify complex challenges and design human-centric environments where people thrive.
Our team strives to be agents of change, not only for our clients but also for the local communities of Ahmedabad and Gujarat. We are committed to our work, adhering to industry-leading standards, resulting in a high rate of new and repeat clients and lifelong relationships that we value deeply.